BaBeL2 music – PLAID-BaBeL2 music – PLAID


PLAID LIVE 18.05.2012

Duo leggendario britannico composto da Ed Handley e Andy Turner. Ex-membri di Black Dogs, hanno collaborato con artisti importanti della scena electro, come Leila. I due musicisti hanno anche fanno parte del gruppo della cantante islandese Björk con la quale continuano a lavorare occasionalmente. I loro pezzi sono rappresentativi della frangia IDM, della musica elettronica che non mira solo a scatenare le folle, ma potrebbe essere ascoltata in “chill-out”. Acclamato dalla critica, il loro settimo album, Scintilli, uscito nel 2011, è come un viaggio acustico reale, abbagliante finezza melodica: le voci aeree saranno trascendenti battiti techno e linee di basso in evidenza una pletora di suoni brillanti e violenti. Un live ipnotico!


PLAID LIVE 18.05.2012

The members of Plaid, mythical British duo, Ed Handley and Andy Turner, housed by the Warp label since the creation of the group in 1991, are coming back on stage! Original members of the Black Dogs, they collaborated with major artists of the electro scene, such as Leila. The two musicians also were members of the team of Björk, with who they still work occasionally. Their tracks are representative of the IDM style, part of the electronic music who doesn’t aim at exciting the masses, but that you can also listen at home or in “chill-out”. Acclaimed by the critics, their seventh album Scintilli, released in 2011, is a real acoustic journey, dazzling by his melodic subtlety. The aerial voices transcend the techno beats and the basslines stress out a multitude of enlightened and violent sonorities. A hypnotic live to look forward to!